I think God wants us to trust Him, responding with hope and prayer instead of panic or worry. I believe the Holy Spirit inspired you to write this and I support you.
Our mission is to engage in the world, not be angry or withdrawn, but sometimes our only way to engage is through prayer. How glorious that prayer can solve any problem!
I urge you to continue to seek answers, write, and especially to explore what it means to be a conservative today. It is becoming increasingly clear that social/religious conservatives are Trump's base. (https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/28/politics/conservatives-trump-analysis/index.html). I fear they are putting their faith in a false idol.
I've been making the point ever since Trump was voted into office. People have been idol-worshipping Trump with a cult-like fervor since his rallies in 2015. The movement just continued to explode. People are always looking for a savior, which is ironic since Trump's base identifies as Christian and ostensibly Christ has filled the position. But someone in the flesh is always more enticing. It became all too easy for the self-professed Christian Trumpers to conflate the roles. But it is always folly when people put upon a pedestal one with feet of clay. The Bible warns us to beware of falling into that particular quagmire because it is bound to end in disastrous results. This is what cults do. And the cult of Trump is no different than what history has already shown us.
I see the set of social/religious conservatives intersecting with the set of what I think of as the "owning the libs"/ "gotta be tough"/ "never a Democrat" set ... but IMO it doesn't completely overlap. There are plenty of Christians who saw through this movement early on, some of whom were quite vocal about it (David French), and I've seen more and more of them "come back to the roost", as it were, since the election and, especially, since January 6.
But as to your general point, yes, many of them definitely seem to be worshipping this guy - they'd never agree with putting it that way, but that's essentially what they're doing. Their own pastors, Trump supporters in untold numbers (maybe only some of them truly "believe" and the rest are on for the ride, I don't know), have told them all sorts of things. And this has held true, if not become worse, during COVID as well. How many of the older generation (like one of my parents and both of my inlaws; disclaimer, I live in Tennessee) have been sitting around watching Fox News and the rest, and then on Sunday watching a livestream of their pastor saying the same things? It's frightening.
And to think that during the GW Bush years (I was and am still a fan of him and what he tried to do), when the social/religious right were firmly entrenched for someone I strongly supported, why, that was perfectly fine!
Whereas now? Given the makeup of the man at the top of this movement, it feels like we're living a modern rewrite of Jim Jones' life story.
Why did I write all of this with "them" instead of "we" ... I'm a lifelong "sometimes lapsed but always conscious about it" Christian and given the post I was replying to ... lol ... please excuse my choice of words.
Certainly blogging and commenting is cathartic....but only up to a point. How our national government functions is important and it's important that we understand policies/issues and keep an eye on the people in power. But I do question over doing it. I think it's one of the reasons we're in the mess that we're in. I see it with family members that are addicted to twitter and cable news entertainment. It seems exhausting to always be angry and raging about something....and oftentimes it's about something that has little direct effect on our life and that we have infinitesimal influence over. We seem to be hyper-analyzing every fart and hiccup never considering that....other than the weirdness of the pandemic and the GOP serially beclowning itelf.....things aren't that bad on a macro level.
There are a lot of great messages in the Bible...and interesting perspectives from the time of Jesus. At heart, like John the Baptist, Jesus was preaching that the end was near and how we had to get ready for it. I'm against forgetting to live this life.....but do believe that we need some perspective.....and get away from political infinite loops and verbally bashing each other. There has to be common purpose and getting back to real connection. I think it's hard...because venting is so convenient...and easy. Would Jesus jump onto a commenting section and push people's buttons and rant, rant, and rant. It's a funny if not somewhat sacrilegious thought. My idealized Jesus would say to get back to loving your enemy and helping those less fortunate than you. I mean after reading Patterico...of course....
I appreciate the spirit of the post. It certainly reminds me of my own failings and the need to show more charity for everyone. Similar to the point in Dana's comment, when I get mad about what politicians (or anyone, really) are doing or saying it usually means I'm ignoring the beam in my own eye. We should all try to strengthen and encourage each other to do better, and to criticize less. One small quibble. though: whatever anyone thinks of the actions or sayings of Cruz or Hawley, they are not "soulless." Everyone has a soul, and it may be that the persons whose actions we despise the most need our prayers the most.
Also, best of success with the "four Cs" -- that's taking on a challenge! I gave up chips and sweets, and so far am successful at keeping to that, but giving up criticizing or complaining is probably beyond me. But your post is inspiring, and I will try.
That's a lovely sentiment -- and I mean that sincerely -- and I aspire to your level of forgiveness. I view the Cruzes and Hawleys as emblematic of evil, but I truly admire your effort to view them as more human and simply fallible. I'll work on myself, and in the meantime let me say I appreciate your comment very much.
Thank you, but I meant the part about the beam in my own eye. I have commented sporadically on your blog as "RL formerly in Glendale" and all too often in those comments have tried to excuse or minimize the bad actions of Trump or Trump supporters. It's a continuing struggle for me to be honest and admit that bad acts are bad acts no matter who carries them out, while also trying not to condemn the people who carry them out. So I appreciate and thank you for the clarity you bring to those issues and will work on improving.
I've been angry since Trump clinched the 2016 nomination, but it is better to uphold the folks with real bravery and simply reject the Coward Caucus and Fascist Wing.
Excellent piece of work. I think you've hit an important nail on the head, and one that we would all benefit from quietly contemplating. When I am feeling particularly irritated and impatient with the Hawley and Cruz types, I am inevitably (and almost instantly) convicted by the pesky awareness that I am fainthearted and far more often than not, do not have in mind the concerns of God, but rather my own concerns. Humility is at the heart of Christ. It's easier to believe that we are a more humble people or dwell in a more righteous state when contrasting ourselves with those individuals. What a lie it is that we tell ourselves. The reality is, we demonstrate our own arrogance and pride by even entertaining such thoughts of "righteousness" (as if it were our own accomplishment). Yet the showmanship of Hawley and Cruz, when contrasted with the Navalnys of the world, makes clear the distinction between those whose hearts are set on their own concerns and political ambitions versus those whose concern for the welfare of others is worth risking their own imprisonment or death. Hammy cries of "freedom" only mean something to those not in danger of losing freedom. But they mean nothing to do those actually living under the forces of evil that deny them basic freedoms. Real battle cries for freedom are anything but hammy.
It takes tremendous courage to criticize the Myanmar military from inside Myanmar, but Kyaw Moe Tun's immediate family are in the USA and are safe here and no doubt will get asylum.
In years past, his extended family inside Myanmar would have been rounded up, any businesses or concessions owned would be seized. Women and girls would be beaten and sexually assaulted, men beaten and debased.
Some of his family might die over this and it won't be an easy death
I don't see this as courageous on Kyaw Moe Tun's part
I remember Jeb Bush and Rick Perry being widely panned in 2015 treated as buffoons, both Christians, both well respected. Yet go back to the comments in 2015, many here were against them and they were brutal. Obama gave us Trump - literally the overreach gave us the man who would be king (of all media anyway) What hast Biden Wrought? Its going to be ugly 1858 ugly.
They were unjustly attacked yes both were rated by the Cato institute and heritage foundations as being the best governors ever. Yet they were rejected and people rejoiced.
Could it be possible that, although professed Christians, they simply weren’t the best candidates in the field? It seems like you are implying that because they were men of faith, they should not have been criticized nor rejected by Republican voters. Is that a fair reading?
Thanks for responding. They were unfairly criticized Megan Kelley at the first Presidential debate blamed Perry for all the immigration problems because he didnt stop it. He just starred at her wondering how dumb was she. Jeb was methodic - well thought out. steady, reliable, greatly accomplished, and was mocked for not having antics, but sound policy, they made fun of him for caring not sharing
Good Article!
I think God wants us to trust Him, responding with hope and prayer instead of panic or worry. I believe the Holy Spirit inspired you to write this and I support you.
Our mission is to engage in the world, not be angry or withdrawn, but sometimes our only way to engage is through prayer. How glorious that prayer can solve any problem!
I urge you to continue to seek answers, write, and especially to explore what it means to be a conservative today. It is becoming increasingly clear that social/religious conservatives are Trump's base. (https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/28/politics/conservatives-trump-analysis/index.html). I fear they are putting their faith in a false idol.
I've been making the point ever since Trump was voted into office. People have been idol-worshipping Trump with a cult-like fervor since his rallies in 2015. The movement just continued to explode. People are always looking for a savior, which is ironic since Trump's base identifies as Christian and ostensibly Christ has filled the position. But someone in the flesh is always more enticing. It became all too easy for the self-professed Christian Trumpers to conflate the roles. But it is always folly when people put upon a pedestal one with feet of clay. The Bible warns us to beware of falling into that particular quagmire because it is bound to end in disastrous results. This is what cults do. And the cult of Trump is no different than what history has already shown us.
Good points.
I see the set of social/religious conservatives intersecting with the set of what I think of as the "owning the libs"/ "gotta be tough"/ "never a Democrat" set ... but IMO it doesn't completely overlap. There are plenty of Christians who saw through this movement early on, some of whom were quite vocal about it (David French), and I've seen more and more of them "come back to the roost", as it were, since the election and, especially, since January 6.
But as to your general point, yes, many of them definitely seem to be worshipping this guy - they'd never agree with putting it that way, but that's essentially what they're doing. Their own pastors, Trump supporters in untold numbers (maybe only some of them truly "believe" and the rest are on for the ride, I don't know), have told them all sorts of things. And this has held true, if not become worse, during COVID as well. How many of the older generation (like one of my parents and both of my inlaws; disclaimer, I live in Tennessee) have been sitting around watching Fox News and the rest, and then on Sunday watching a livestream of their pastor saying the same things? It's frightening.
And to think that during the GW Bush years (I was and am still a fan of him and what he tried to do), when the social/religious right were firmly entrenched for someone I strongly supported, why, that was perfectly fine!
Whereas now? Given the makeup of the man at the top of this movement, it feels like we're living a modern rewrite of Jim Jones' life story.
Why did I write all of this with "them" instead of "we" ... I'm a lifelong "sometimes lapsed but always conscious about it" Christian and given the post I was replying to ... lol ... please excuse my choice of words.
It is hard to identify with religions that elevate politics over religion.
Certainly blogging and commenting is cathartic....but only up to a point. How our national government functions is important and it's important that we understand policies/issues and keep an eye on the people in power. But I do question over doing it. I think it's one of the reasons we're in the mess that we're in. I see it with family members that are addicted to twitter and cable news entertainment. It seems exhausting to always be angry and raging about something....and oftentimes it's about something that has little direct effect on our life and that we have infinitesimal influence over. We seem to be hyper-analyzing every fart and hiccup never considering that....other than the weirdness of the pandemic and the GOP serially beclowning itelf.....things aren't that bad on a macro level.
There are a lot of great messages in the Bible...and interesting perspectives from the time of Jesus. At heart, like John the Baptist, Jesus was preaching that the end was near and how we had to get ready for it. I'm against forgetting to live this life.....but do believe that we need some perspective.....and get away from political infinite loops and verbally bashing each other. There has to be common purpose and getting back to real connection. I think it's hard...because venting is so convenient...and easy. Would Jesus jump onto a commenting section and push people's buttons and rant, rant, and rant. It's a funny if not somewhat sacrilegious thought. My idealized Jesus would say to get back to loving your enemy and helping those less fortunate than you. I mean after reading Patterico...of course....
I appreciate the spirit of the post. It certainly reminds me of my own failings and the need to show more charity for everyone. Similar to the point in Dana's comment, when I get mad about what politicians (or anyone, really) are doing or saying it usually means I'm ignoring the beam in my own eye. We should all try to strengthen and encourage each other to do better, and to criticize less. One small quibble. though: whatever anyone thinks of the actions or sayings of Cruz or Hawley, they are not "soulless." Everyone has a soul, and it may be that the persons whose actions we despise the most need our prayers the most.
Also, best of success with the "four Cs" -- that's taking on a challenge! I gave up chips and sweets, and so far am successful at keeping to that, but giving up criticizing or complaining is probably beyond me. But your post is inspiring, and I will try.
That's a lovely sentiment -- and I mean that sincerely -- and I aspire to your level of forgiveness. I view the Cruzes and Hawleys as emblematic of evil, but I truly admire your effort to view them as more human and simply fallible. I'll work on myself, and in the meantime let me say I appreciate your comment very much.
Thank you, but I meant the part about the beam in my own eye. I have commented sporadically on your blog as "RL formerly in Glendale" and all too often in those comments have tried to excuse or minimize the bad actions of Trump or Trump supporters. It's a continuing struggle for me to be honest and admit that bad acts are bad acts no matter who carries them out, while also trying not to condemn the people who carry them out. So I appreciate and thank you for the clarity you bring to those issues and will work on improving.
I've been angry since Trump clinched the 2016 nomination, but it is better to uphold the folks with real bravery and simply reject the Coward Caucus and Fascist Wing.
Excellent piece of work. I think you've hit an important nail on the head, and one that we would all benefit from quietly contemplating. When I am feeling particularly irritated and impatient with the Hawley and Cruz types, I am inevitably (and almost instantly) convicted by the pesky awareness that I am fainthearted and far more often than not, do not have in mind the concerns of God, but rather my own concerns. Humility is at the heart of Christ. It's easier to believe that we are a more humble people or dwell in a more righteous state when contrasting ourselves with those individuals. What a lie it is that we tell ourselves. The reality is, we demonstrate our own arrogance and pride by even entertaining such thoughts of "righteousness" (as if it were our own accomplishment). Yet the showmanship of Hawley and Cruz, when contrasted with the Navalnys of the world, makes clear the distinction between those whose hearts are set on their own concerns and political ambitions versus those whose concern for the welfare of others is worth risking their own imprisonment or death. Hammy cries of "freedom" only mean something to those not in danger of losing freedom. But they mean nothing to do those actually living under the forces of evil that deny them basic freedoms. Real battle cries for freedom are anything but hammy.
It takes tremendous courage to criticize the Myanmar military from inside Myanmar, but Kyaw Moe Tun's immediate family are in the USA and are safe here and no doubt will get asylum.
In years past, his extended family inside Myanmar would have been rounded up, any businesses or concessions owned would be seized. Women and girls would be beaten and sexually assaulted, men beaten and debased.
Some of his family might die over this and it won't be an easy death
I don't see this as courageous on Kyaw Moe Tun's part
Interesting perspective. And possible. I would be interested to see more reporting about the fallout he experiences.
So far, I'm only seeing that Myanmar has fired Kyaw Moe Tun has been fired from his post as ambassador.
I remember Jeb Bush and Rick Perry being widely panned in 2015 treated as buffoons, both Christians, both well respected. Yet go back to the comments in 2015, many here were against them and they were brutal. Obama gave us Trump - literally the overreach gave us the man who would be king (of all media anyway) What hast Biden Wrought? Its going to be ugly 1858 ugly.
Are you saying that because Bush and Perry were Christians, they shouldn’t have been criticized but rather supported as presidential contenders?
They were unjustly attacked yes both were rated by the Cato institute and heritage foundations as being the best governors ever. Yet they were rejected and people rejoiced.
Could it be possible that, although professed Christians, they simply weren’t the best candidates in the field? It seems like you are implying that because they were men of faith, they should not have been criticized nor rejected by Republican voters. Is that a fair reading?
Thanks for responding. They were unfairly criticized Megan Kelley at the first Presidential debate blamed Perry for all the immigration problems because he didnt stop it. He just starred at her wondering how dumb was she. Jeb was methodic - well thought out. steady, reliable, greatly accomplished, and was mocked for not having antics, but sound policy, they made fun of him for caring not sharing